Climate Change and Health
Mounting scientific evidence demonstrates the significant links between climate change, our environments, and our health. Heat waves, air pollution, extreme weather events, and infectious diseases are all made worse by climate change and are increasingly threatening our health and well-being. These climate related events and associated adverse health outcomes are only projected to become more severe as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions increase in the future and will place the largest burden on the most vulnerable populations, further exacerbating social and health inequities around the world. While climate change presents one of the greatest challenges of our time, it also offers us opportunities to curb emissions in order to better protect the public’s health and our environment.
We are excited to bring you our four-part series on Climate Change and Health. We will kick off this webinar series with a look at a very relevant topic in today’s news: heat waves and health. Then we will dive into our second webinar on air pollution followed by a webinar on extreme weather events. We will conclude this series covering climate change and infectious diseases. You will hear from top scientists, health professionals, policy makers, and advocates in the field on the many adverse health outcomes associated with climate change, as well as the health co-benefits derived from different GHG mitigation and adaptation strategies. Stay tuned for more details and sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on our fall webinar lineup.
Topic one: Extreme Heat
Climate Change and Heat: health effects, adaptation strategies, and the benefits of mitigation
September 19, 2019 at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 6pm CET
Featured Speakers:
- Gregory Wellenius, MSc, ScD., Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University School of Public Health and Director, Brown University Center for Environmental Health and Technology
- Ambarish Vaidyanathan, PhD, MSEnvE, Health Scientist, Climate and Health Program, Asthma and Community Health Branch, Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice, National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Eunice Lo, MPhys, PhD, Research Associate, University of Bristol
Topic Two: Air Pollution
Climate Change and Air Pollution: Health Inequities, Global Premature Mortality, and Decarbonization Health Co-benefits
October 15, 2019 at 10am PDT / 1pm EDT / 6pm CET
Featured Speakers:
- Maria Cecilia Pinto de Moura, MS, PhD, Senior Vehicles Engineer, Clean Transportation Program, Union of Concerned Scientists
- Raquel Silva, PhD, Lead Health Scientist, ICF
- Tianyang (Tony) Wang, PhD, Air Resources Engineer, California Air Resources Board
Topic Three: Extreme Weather Events
Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events
November 20, 2019 at 10am PDT / 1pm EDT / 6pm CET
Featured Speakers:
- Susan Anenberg, MS, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health and of Global Health, George Washington University, Milken School of Public Health
- Bonne Ford, Research Scientist, Colorado State University, Department of Atmospheric Science
Topic Four: Infectious Diseases
Climate Change and Infectious Diseases: Vector-borne Diseases and Valley Fever
December 5, 2019 at 10am PDT / 1pm EDT / 6pm CET
Featured Speakers:
- Cyril Caminade, PhD, Tenure Track Fellow, Epidemiology and Population Health, University of Liverpool
- Morgan Gorris, MS, Graduate Student Researcher, Randerson Research Group, University of California, Irvine