Our work is essential for creating a world where all people live free from environmental risks that harm human health. Through our webinars, Scienceservs, partnerships, Toxicant and Disease Database, and publications, CHE cultivates a learning community to share environmental health knowledge and resources, and improve individual and collective health.
CHE offers multiple monthly webinars that feature leading researchers and advocates discussing the latest environmental health science. These are a cornerstone of our mission to provide multiple educational forums for engaging the environmental health community on a range of environmental factors that can contribute to disease and disability.
Science Servs
More than 2400 researchers, policy makers, health advocates, and interested individuals participate in CHE's topical listservs where informed conversations occur about environmental links to a range of diseases and disabilities and actions being taken to address these concerns.
CHE collaborates with a number of CHE Partner organizations in a variety of ways. Some of these relationships we characterize as "special partnerships", defined by their geographical location and/or particular focus. Usually one or two primary organizations works with CHE to achieve the goals of each special partnership.
Toxicant and Disease Database
The CHE Toxicant and Disease Database is a searchable database that summarizes links between chemical contaminants and approximately 180 human diseases or conditions. Diseases and or toxicants can be viewed by utilizing the search options below.
Publications produced either wholly or partly by CHE are listed by type of publication. For lists of publications by topic, please visit the topic pages on this website and look for CHE Publications in the sidebar.