Toxicant and Disease Database

The CHE Toxicant and Disease Database is a searchable database that summarizes links between chemical contaminants and approximately 180 human diseases or conditions. Diseases and or toxicants can be viewed by utilizing the search options below. See a full description of the database and our methodology.

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dioxins / TCDD

Diseases linked to this toxicant    Grouped by strength of evidence

Strong Evidence


Immune suppression

Lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's)

Soft tissue sarcomas

Good Evidence

Acute hepatocellular injury (hepatitis)s

Adult-onset leukemias

Altered sex ratio

Coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, atherosclerosis

Diabetes - Type II

Dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia

Hodgkin's disease (lymphoma)

Hormonal changes (levels of circulating sex hormones - FSH/LH, Inhibin, and/or estrogens, progesterones, androgens, prolactin)

Menstrual disorders (abnormal bleeding, short cycles, long cycles, irregular cycles, painful periods)

Multiple myeloma

Porphyria (toxic)

Stomach cancer

Thyroid disorders - hypothyroidism

Limited Evidence

Abnormal sperm (morphology, motility, and sperm count)

Altered time to sexual maturation (accelerated or delayed puberty)

Bladder cancer

Breast cancer


Cognitive impairment (includes impaired learning, impaired memory, and decreased attention span) / mental retardation / developmental delay

Colorectal cancer


Fetotoxicity (miscarriage / spontaneous abortion, stillbirth)

Genito-urinary malformations (includes male and female)

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Low birth weight / small for gestational age / intra-uterine growth retardation

Lung cancer

Oral clefts (cleft lip and palate)

Peripheral neuropathy

Reduced fertility - female (infertility and subfertility)

Thyroid cancer


Akhtar FZ, Garabrant DH, Ketchum NS, Michalek JE. Cancer in US Air Force veterans of the Vietnam War. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2004;46(2):123-36.

Bertazzi PA, Consonni D, Bachetti S, Rubagotti M, Baccarelli A, Zocchetti C, Pesatori AC. Health effects of dioxin exposure: a 20-year mortality study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2001;153(11):1031-1044.

Carpenter DO, Arcaro K, Spink DC. Understanding the human health effects of chemical mixtures. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2002;110(suppl 1):25-42.

Eskenazi B, Mocarelli P et al. Serum dioxin concentrations and endometriosis: a cohort study in Seveso, Italy. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2002 Jul;110(7):629-34.

Eskenazi B, Warner M et al. Serum dioxin concentrations and menstrual cycle characteristics. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2002 Aug 15;156(4):383-92.

Figà-Talamanca I, Traina ME, Urbani E. Occupational exposures to metals, solvents, and pesticides: recent evidence on male reproductive effects and biological markers. Occupational Medicine (Oxford, England). 2001 May;51(3):174-88.

Hardell L, Lindström G, van Bavel B, Fredrikson M, Liljegren G. Some aspects of the etiology of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1998 Apr;106(Suppl 2):679-681.

Holladay SD. Prenatal immunotoxicant exposure and postnatal autoimmune disease. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1999 Oct;107 Suppl 5:687-91.

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs. Accessed in 2010.

Klaassen CD, Ed. Casarett and Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 6th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill 2001.

LaDou J, Ed. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 3rd Edition. New York: Lange Medical/McGraw-Hill Company, 2004.

Leikin JB, Davis A et al. Selected topics related to occupational exposures. Part IV. Occupational liver disease. Disease-a-Month. 2000 Apr;46(4):296-310.

Longnecker MP, Daniels JL. Environmental contaminants as etiologic factors for diabetes. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2001 Dec;109 Suppl 6:871-6.

Massaad C, Entezami F, Massade L, Benahmed M, Olivennes F, Barouki R, Hamamah S. How can chemical compounds alter human fertility? European Journal of Obstettics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2002 Jan 10;100(2):127-37.

Rom WM. Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 3rd Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers, 1998.

NOTE: Not all the references are currently available, but they will be added as soon as possible. If you need a reference and are unable to find it, please contact us through our contact form