A Common Agenda for Health and the Environment: Goals for the Next Generation and Steps to Get There

June 23, 2009
1:00 pm US Eastern Time

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logo of the Toward Tomorrow teamOn May 11, 2009, the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production and the Toward Tomorrow Initiative released A Common Agenda for Health and the Environment. CHE hosted a dynamic and inspiring call with leaders from different sectors who worked on this impressive document.

The Common Agenda is a call to action and articulates a collective commitment to six ambitious cross-cutting “Generational Goals” to ensure a healthy future for our children. Creating the Common Agenda involved nearly 100 leaders of the healthcare, community development, environmental, labor and agriculture community working together to imagine the world we want to leave our children and what it will take to get there within one generation.

Speakers provided an overview the Common Agenda, highlighted specific features of some of the “Generational Goals”, and described action steps we can take to achieve these goals.

Featured Speakers

  • Polly Hoppin, ScD, Environmental Health Initiative Program Director, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
  • Molly Anderson, PhD, MS, Principal, Food Systems Integrity
  • Paul Epstein, MD, MPH, Associate Director, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School
  • Lynn Thorp, National Program Coordinator, Clean Water Action
  • Dick Jackson, MD, MPH, Professor and Chair, Environmental Health Sciences, UCLA School of Public Health 

The call was moderated by Elise Miller, CHE Director.

UPDATE 6/24/09: Participate in Advancing the Common Agenda

Please help Toward Tomorrow and the Lowell Center promote A Common Agenda for Health and Environment in three ways:

Forward it to at least five people who you think can use it effectively. Uses of the Common Agenda and its Generational Goals include:

  • Guideposts against which to assess proposed decisions in the public and private sectors
  • Inspiration for attracting new allies
  • An educational tool for outreach about the interconnections among health and environment issues, and the availability of solutions
  • A standard for assessing candidates' platforms or track records
  • New ideas for company, agency or communities policies and programs

Visit http://www.towardtomorrow.org to sign on as a supporter of A Common Agenda for Health and Environment and its Generational Goals

CAST YOUR VOTE  to let Toward Tomorrow know which two Priority Actions you think are the most important near-term steps in developing a roadmap for a healthy future. These will guide the work going forward.

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Thank you.