Jan 3

What’s new
Trump Administration and Environmental Health: CHE Launches New Partnership “Fireside Chat” Call Series

CHE photoBy CHE

TrumpWhat do you think the 2016 US Presidential election results mean for environmental health over the coming four years? What might be the impact on research funding and priorities? Chemical regulation? Children’s health? Community health?

Join us over the next three months as we explore these questions with leading environmental health science and policy experts during our new Fireside Chat call series. Our focus will be a conversation between CHE leaders, environmental health science and policy experts and call participants. Join us on January 24 at 2:00pm Eastern for our first in this series Fireside Chat:  EWG's Ken Cook on Environment and Health in the Trump Administration. RSVP today!

Tags: informing changeEnvironmental Contributorscumulative impactsChemical Environment